You did it! You’ve earned a degree from one of the most challenging programs at Penn State. Along the way you experienced the joy of discovery, the stress of deadlines and examinations, and the satisfaction of a job well done. You learned how to think critically and write clearly, how to gather, present and analyze data, and how to effectively communicate your conclusions and their impact to a diverse audience. We, the faculty and staff of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, along with the students you’ve gotten to know, both undergraduate and graduate, couldn’t be more proud of you and your accomplishment. I know we share that pride with your family and friends who have provided you support through your time at Penn State.
We are in the midst of a global pandemic, and from this perspective it’s a bit challenging to see through to the bright future we know awaits you. The faculty have worked to provide you the sort of education that gives you both the broadly applicable skills and the depth of understanding of your chosen discipline that you’ll need to navigate both smooth and choppy waters ahead. Use your skills and knowledge to find a rewarding career and to do good for society. And continue to lean on us for support. You are joining one of the most supportive alumni networks in the world: you are now a GEMS, a Graduate of Earth and Mineral Sciences, and the GEMS alumni organization will be there when you need them. So enjoy your graduation day, stay safe and healthy, and stay in touch.

Lee Kump
John Leone Dean in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences