For 115 years, Penn State has been recognized as a pioneer and leader in materials science education and research.
The roots of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MatSE) extend back to the establishment of the strong academic programs in metallurgy in 1907-08, ceramic technology in 1923, and fuel science in 1934. In 1967, the three programs served as the foundation to form MatSE. In 1972 the addition of the polymer science program and the interaction with the multidisciplinary solid-state science program completed what is now Penn State MatSE—one of the finest and most-balanced programs in the United States. Read more
On October 2, John Mauro, professor of materials science and engineering at Penn State, will be formally inducted as a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). He was selected for “developing and applying data-driven models and machine learning that enable high-strength, damage-resistant glasses,” according to the NAE. Read more
The first incarnation of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MatSE) was established 115 years ago this year with an emphasis on metallurgy. Over time, additional areas of emphasis were added, and today we celebrate this important milestone as being one of the premier MatSE departments in the United States and the world. This is evidenced from the many discoveries and advancements of the field enabled by research carried out at Penn State and its status as a materials science and engineering powerhouse as indicated by its fourth consecutive year as number one in materials science and number two in materials engineering in the United States based on National Science Foundation total research expenditures. Read more
The MatSE External Advisory Board (EAB) welcomes two new members, Melissa Hockstad and Amit Das.
Hockstad is president and chief executive officer of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), the leading association representing the $60 billion U.S. cleaning product supply chain. She is responsible for the overall leadership of ACI including advocacy, science and research, communications, sustainability, and business growth. Read more
MatSE Spring Awards Banquet
This year marked the 20th Annual MatSE Awards Celebration and was held in-person and via live stream. The event was a celebration to recognize the achievements of MatSE students, staff, faculty, and alumni whose contributions continue to make MatSE a top-ranked materials science and engineering program.
The evening was also an occasion for MatSE to express appreciation for the generous support received throughout the year from alumni, friends, and partners. It is their generosity that is critical in furthering the MatSE mission. Read more
Faculty Member of the Year
Inspired by the structure of muscles, an innovative new strategy for creating fiber actuators could lead to advances in robotics, prosthetics, and smart clothing, according to a Penn State led team of scientists who discovered the process.
An international collaboration led by Penn State researchers has developed a new tool to reduce the time and resources involved in determining which materials can be best applied in wearable technology, including biomedical devices. Read more
The person staring back from the computer screen may not actually exist, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) capable of generating convincing but ultimately fake images of human faces. Now this same technology may power the next wave of innovations in materials design, according to Penn State scientists. Read more
Colby and Sinnott receive Faculty Scholar Medals
 Ralph Colby, professor of materials science and engineering and Susan Sinnott, professor of
materials science and engineering and chemistry and head of MatSE, received Faculty Scholar Medals for Outstanding Achievement. Read more
Redwing, professor of materials science and engineering, was named distinguished professor by the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.
The title of distinguished professor recognizes outstanding academic contribution to the University and recognizes full-time professors who are acknowledged leaders in their fields of research or creative activity; demonstrate significant leadership in raising the University's standards in teaching, research or creative activity and service; and exhibit excellent teaching skills, contributing significantly to the education of students. Read more
Ruth Ann Wood, Global
Engineering Manager, Filter Elements, Pall Corporation was honored with the David Ford McFarland Award for Achievement in Metallurgy. The award honors Penn State graduates who have honorably distinguished themselves in some field of metallurgy. Read more
The success of any department or university can be measured by the contribution its alumni make to the world. The MatSE 2022 Alumna of the Year Susan Trolier-McKinstry, has played a major role in the success of MatSE and Penn State. Read more
Associate Teaching Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State
In a nutshell, my job today entails educating future materials scientists and engineers and bragging about how Penn State MATSE is the best in the world!
Why I chose Penn State: When I returned from the United States Peace Corps in Swaziland, Africa, from teaching high school science and math, I was determined to teach for a living. I tried my hand in the public school system via a chemistry graduate program, but quickly decided I was not cut out for public schools. I continued the master's in chemistry program and learned that I love teaching undergraduates. I chose to pursue a Ph.D. so I could teach in college. Read more
MatSE is celebrating 115 years of materials at Penn State, and we are in search of stories, photographs, and videos.
It is the people, discoveries, advancements and love of materials and Penn State that has made our beloved department achieve the successes it has throughout the decades. With help from alumni, former faculty and staff, our hope is to look back at our storied history as we prepare for what the future holds for a brave new world of materials education and research. Share here
You mean so much to us, we want to keep in touch with you through our newsletters, announcements, and invites! Click here
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