Dr. Maziar Montazerian is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. His academic background and industrial working experience as a ceramic/glass engineer have prepared him to be a researcher and instructor. His doctoral dissertation was conducted in Iran and Brazil through the support of The World Academy of Science. They examined the effects of zirconia addition on the biological and mechanical properties of gel-derived bioactive glass-ceramics in which both radiopacity and bioactivity requirements were explicitly satisfied. Then, his current interests revolve around advancing models and methodologies for designing, evaluating, and enhancing biomaterials, with a particular focus on bio-glasses and dental glass-ceramics. His research also encompasses tests, improvement, or development of nucleation and growth models for glasses. Some of his works have been recognized and published in renowned scientific journals such as Chemical Reviews, Progress in Materials Science, International Materials Review, Acta Biomaterialia, and JACerS. Beyond his scholarly contributions, Dr. Montazerian has also made contributions to the ceramic industry, leading workshops on digital printing technology and defect diagnosis and therapy. This practical experience as an engineer has provided him with a broad perspective, enabling him to effectively assist researchers in both scientific and industrial projects. Before joining the Penn State, Dr. Montazerian worked as a professor at the northeast reference laboratory for the evaluation and development of biomaterials (CERTBIO) at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) in Brazil. He is also the associate/guest editor of the "Journal of the American Ceramic Society", "International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology", "Materials-MDPI", "Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics", and the member of the American Ceramic Society!
- M. Montazerian, F. Baino, E. Fiume, C. Migneco, A. Alaghmandfard, O. Sedighi, A.V. DeCeanne, C.J. Wilkinson, J.C. Mauro, Glass-ceramics in dentistry: Fundamentals, technologies, experimental techniques, applications, and open issues, Progress in Materials Science, 2023, 132, 101023.
- M. Montazerian, M. Mancini, J.C. Mauro, Advanced tools for unveiling nucleation in nanostructured glass-ceramics, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 2022, 48(3), 411–439.
- M. Montazerian, E.D. Zanotto, J.C. Mauro, Model-driven design of bioactive glasses: from molecular dynamics through machine learning, International Materials Reviews, 2020, 65(5), 297–321.
- M. Montazerian, B. EftekhariYekta, V.K. Marghussian, C.F. Bellani, R.L. Siqueira, E.D. Zanotto, Bioactivity and cell proliferation in radiopaque gel-derived CaO−P2O5−SiO2−ZrO2 glass and glass-ceramic powders, Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 2015, 55, 436-447.
- M. Montazerian, J.F. Schneider, B. EftekhariYekta, V.K. Marghussian, A.M. Rodrigues, E.D. Zanotto, Sol-gel synthesis, structure, sintering and properties of bioactive and inert nano-apatite−zirconia glass-ceramics, Ceramics International, 2015, 41, 11024-11045.
- Ph.D. scholarship from The World Academy of Science (TWAS)
- Post-doctoral fellowship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)