Ralph Colby, professor of materials science and engineering and Susan Sinnott, professor of materials science and engineering and chemistry and head of MatSE, received Faculty Scholar Medals for Outstanding Achievement.
The award recognizes scholarly or creative excellence represented by a single contribution or a series of contributions around a coherent theme.
Colby was selected in the engineering category. He is an internationally renowned expert in polymer physics and is a leading force in polymer education and research at Penn State. His groundbreaking work Colby and Sinnott receive Faculty Scholar Medals on the physics of ion-containing polymers is critical to improving batteries and advanced renewable energy devices.
Sinnott was awarded for physical sciences. She has made outstanding contributions to the development and utilization of computational methods for understanding and creating two-dimensional materials. She is lauded for her groundbreaking advances in discovering new materials as well as using computational methods for determining the structure of materials. Sinnott is an international expert on developing simulations that illuminate how processes can shape the structure of materials.
Digital publication: Imagine, Summer 2022